For Those About To Rock
By Nanna Marie Lund

10 fun facts about AC/DC, the Australian rock band who has sold over 200 million albums and who are rumoured to be working on a new album and tour.
- AC/DC was formed in 1973 by brothers Angus and Malcolm Young. They took the name after they saw the initials "AC/DC" on a label on their sister’s new sewing machine. The abbreviation AC/DC stands for alternating current/direct current. The brothers felt that the name suited the energy of the music.
- Angus is known for wearing an iconic school uniform (which was also suggested by his sister), but he tried many other looks before including Zoro, Spider-Man and a gorilla.
- Alcohol and drug addiction are quite common among musicians, but Angus had a much healthier addiction in his early days. He used to drink gallons of milk.
- AC/DC released their first international album High Voltage in 1976. The album was described as an "all-time low" for the hard rock genre by Rolling Stone magazine. However, they appeared on the cover of the magazine 32 years later in 2008.
- The song "You Shook Me All Night Long" were used as torture by Navy SEALs during Operation Nifty Package in 1989. The song was played for two continuous days in the direction of Panama's leader Manual Noreiga, who had taken refuge in the Vatican Embassy. He surrendered.
- Music biopics have been dominating Hollywood in 2019. First, Netflix released the Mötley Crüe biopic “The Dirt”, then we got the Oscar winning film “Bohemian Rhapsody” about Queen, followed by Elton John’s “Rocketman”. When Young and Williams were asked about how they would feel to have their life made into a movie, they said, "You'd want it to be accurate, right? I'd be pretty handsome. Pretty handsome people. You'd need five good-looking Brad Pitts ... Brad Pitt 1, 2 and so on ... " Can someone please clone Brad Pitt?
- In the song “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” Bon Scott sings:
“Call me any time
Just ring
36 24 36 hey”
Unfortunately, the number belong to a couple who were being harassed by calls from AC/DC fans screaming “Hey!”. The couple sued the band, winning $250,000 in damages.
- AC/DC has inspired many musicians including Kurt Cobain, Anastacia and Celine Dion. The first song that Kurt Cobain learned how to play on guitar was “Back in Black”, and Celine Dion and Anastacia did a cover of “You Shook Me All Night Long”.
- The third lead singer Brian Johnson played with the band from 1980 to 2016, when he was forced to quit by his doctors due to hearing problems threatening total deafness. However, serious rumors have recently surfaced that Johnson, thanks to a new type of in-ear monitor, is working on a new AC/DC album with the band and that they are going on tour. We can’t wait!
- Despite tons of memorable hits, AC/DC has yet to release a Greatest Hits album… But we are here to the rescue. Click here to listen to the top AC/DC songs chosen by 360° ICÔN.
OLI in 360° ICÔN T-shirt with AC/DC print. Available for both men and women.